priority action中文什么意思

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  1. The commission sees domestic violence as a major threat to women s safety that warrants priority action
  2. The priority action program for the 2006 - 2008 period sets investments in infrastructures , health and education as priorities for the west african archipelago
    圣普2006 - 2008年间需要优先解决的问题是基础设施、健康和教育。
  3. Hence , high priority should be given to preventing and treating high blood pressure , with four priority actions : these are monitoring , diet , lifestyle and medication
  4. The program of priority actions drawn up for the 2006 - 2008 period presented to international donors tuesday in brussels by a delegation headed up by prime minister maria do carmo silveira aims to reduce poverty in the archipelago
    西尔维拉率领的代表团在布鲁塞尔向国际援助国提出了圣普2006 - 2008年间需要优先解决的问题,以期减少贫困人口。


  1. prioritized order 什么意思
  2. prioritized vector 什么意思
  3. priority 什么意思
  4. priority (deductable) 什么意思
  5. priority access method 什么意思
  6. priority actions handbook 什么意思
  7. priority activity tracking system 什么意思
  8. priority africa department 什么意思
  9. priority algorithm 什么意思
  10. priority allocation of public housing 什么意思


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